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#166279 - As he yanks my head back and forth I am left with no choice but to suck his cock, it’s that or he chokes me. Well it had worked but I did not have the heart to tell her I had enjoyed the bristly men’s ministrations however battered and bruised they left me! Then to come home to her attentions had been the icing on the cake much as I love cock I also love the soft caress of a woman, she clearly worshipped me and couldn’t wait to play with her again!. Before I have time to recover the man fucking me with his fingers decides he wants to fuck me with his cock, unzips his fly and pulls out his huge fat cock.

Read Danish Senju - The Thousand Handed Demon Bangla Senju - The Thousand Handed Demon

Most commented on Danish Senju - The Thousand Handed Demon Bangla

Riamu yumemi
A real romantic fuck
Chihaya kisaragi
One with fake boob one skinny af