Doujinshi | Manga | English | Japanese | Chinese | Full Color

#82295 - I am a slave; your word is law, you are my world my strong point, you are my Master I am a slave; girl is a slave she has nothing you don’t give her, not even a name, you are my Master I am a slave; strong and sure I trust you, put my life in your hands because you are my Master I am a slave; I give myself to you , you give me the life I desire You are my Master I am a slave; you tie me down and I know I love you, you correct me when I am wrong and I know I’m unworthy You are my Master I am a slave my body so small, your hands so strong pushing me down holding me close you are my Master I am a slave; When I am gagged , my eyes are filled with love You are my Master I am a slave; I watch you stand over me, I breath my body heavy with longing I am s slave; You are my Master.

Read Vintage Kinpatsu Kyonyuu ni Henshin De Black Gay Kinpatsu Kyonyuu ni Henshin De

Most commented on Vintage Kinpatsu Kyonyuu ni Henshin De Black Gay

God damn i need them soles in my face
Risa kamizaki
Please fuck her throat until you cum in throat